The main objectives of AIOM are as follows:

  • To help its members provide the highest standards of service to tourists visiting our island.
  • To maintain the principles of fair dealing, honesty and integrity among its members in both their competitive relationships and those with all trade suppliers.
  • To represent the interests of its members with Government or/and any Para-statal statutory bodies to ensure they have a suitable framework and environment that allows their business to grow and prosper.
  • To facilitate the provision of vocational and management training that will improve quality and encourage staff development and professionalism.
  • To assist its members in preserving the image of Mauritius as a destination while working in an environmentally conscious framework.
  • To co-operate with and encourage other associated organizations in their efforts to develop increased visitor numbers to Mauritius.



Executive Services Limited
Second Floor Les Jamalacs Building
Vieux Conseil Street, Port Louis
Republic of Mauritius

Tel: +230 208 3013 / 3041 / 3055